Me, Myself and I

Monday, March 26, 2012


Psychically, I'm not that overloaded.
Not even mentally or spiritually.
BUT emotionally.... I'm lacking a tad.
It's hard to drag yourself out of bed at 5:30am to get ready for work.
It's hard to feel soo lost in a world of craziness.

But some great things that help me stay semi-normal:
Hanging out with my "bestie"

Laughing and spending time with Mykaka

Being with my family... oh and Webby

Joking around with my roommates.
I hope everyone is having a GREAT Monday!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being A Grown-Up

Some days are harder than others.
Some days are good.

My Favorite Things About Being an Adult:
1) Can do whatever
2) You feel a tad more mature
3) Dont have to ask permission
4) Everything is up to you
5) Eat whatever, whenever

Dislikes of Being an Adult:
1) Bills.
2) Work.
3) You don't have summer off
4) You spend a lot of time alone.

So what do you think? Ready to be an adult and have the weight of the world on your shoulders?

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