[grat-i-tood, -tyood] –nounthe quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful: He expressed his gratitude to everyone on the staff.
- Sunshine, I am SO grateful for the light it shares to our world.
- Music! The number one thing that brings me to tears and I love it
- Family. You know every flaw, yet its okay. You love them no matter what and when you die and go to Heaven, who do you want by your side? I want my sisters.
- Photography! To be able to self-express what I'm seeing... it just brings joy!
- Reading. I'm grateful for being able to read and learn. I LOVE books.
- Religion. I would be no where without my love of the gospel and knowledge of the plan of salvation. I know God is always watching over me.
- Holiday! To celebrate what life is truly about, the good times!
- School. Yes. As much as it pains me to admit it, I am going to miss high school. You automatically feel safe in high school. I know where I stand with everyone, I know the system, and I'm appreciated. Sure... I want to be done with it. But on the other hand... I'm terrified for the future. But I am grateful for the past. and present.
- Last but not least! I am grateful for....myself. I know that can sound a tad strange but i've been really thinking about it. Without my personality, I would be a walking zombie with no purpose in life. I always seem to see only my flaws. But at the beginning of the day...when I walk out the door...I'm happy to know that my outfit matches, my teeth are brushed and my hair is curled. I am who I am. And I love me.
What are you grateful for? Just think about it..
your talk was absolutely fantastic, I'm sorry I left before I could tell you how amazing you were!