At this very moment, my family is driving to the airport to drop off my older sister.
It's a weird feeling because I've had it over and over again.
She is moving to Massachusetts and might be gone for a loooong time.
But even after all of the many times that she has left, I still feel sad about it.
Kam cried when she hugged me good-bye.
Wow. I love her.
I remember the summer she was 16.
She worked at a summer-girl-camp and was gone all throughout the week,
then come home on weekends.
But this summer (I must of been turning 14) was grandparent summer.
I had been staying with my Grams & Rodge and because of complications,
didn't come home for about a month.
When I finally got home, my Mom took me to pick up Kam for the weekend.
I'll always remember this moment.
Right when we saw eachother, we burst into tears.
It was the first time we had been apart for so long.
We just hugged and hugged.
She smelled of camp-fire and tacos.
But I still held on to her.
Cherish your families.
We never know how long we have to be together.
"Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family.
Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member,
yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted."
I love these pictures.