Me, Myself and I

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Bucket is Full

Inspired by a dear friend.
I've always loved the idea of having a bucket list.
Something that is attainable and believable. 
On August 2, 2010... KayKay and I made our BL's.
And this is/was mine:
-Go to all the LDS temples in the world
-Get kissed in the rain
-Marry my soulmate for eternity
-Meet the Pope
-Swim with dolphins
-See a duckbill platypus
-Get a puppy as a present (with a big red bow)
-Adopt children.
-Ride a giraffe
-Raise a chicken egg
-Catch a fish with my bare hands
-Donate my blood (DID it! Nov 2010)
-Have a child be named after me
-Ride on a train
-See the white house in Washington D.C.
-Touch a corpse

Isn't it interesting the things that are important to us at certain times in our lives?! I love thinking about it.

What kind of things are on your bucket list?!

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