Me, Myself and I

Saturday, March 30, 2013


I love my friends.
My mom always tells me the story of my baby blessing.
Apparently, it was said that friends would be number one priority for me.
Silly, but so true.
I don't know what I would do without all my FANTASTIC friends.
Change is inevitable but it can still be a tad difficult.
Netty Nutster is on her mission and doing great things.
Mykakaka is planning her wedding and I'm SO excited for her.
Isn't it weird-ish?
All this change.
But something I always know...
God is in charge and

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Truths

I love this blog.
I feel like each "compliment" speaks directly to my heart.
These are just a few that have connected with my lately.
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